Monday 17 October 2011

A Day of Rain…
The clouds are dark. It seems like the day is winding up soon. Thunder, like drum beats could be heard. Zeus had leashed his weapon, a magical creation of nature, the magnificent and majestic lightning. It appeals the eyes like a sudden flash of a pale white curtain. It’s a wonder which just disappears with a single batting of the eyelashes. Thor’s thunder, masculine and powerful, makes me feel the atmosphere around me is filled with his dominance. I could feel the swirl of the cool breeze, coming along with the rain, yet to pour. A wrath, so cool and gentle, that I feel like I was drifted by a boat carried by currents of an endless river, flowing along a normal course.  I sensed Poseidon’s arrival, when the rain started with tiny drops of water, touching the ground like a shattered crystal ball. The smell of the village land, pure and pious, is something really delirious and I felt like I am having an extra sense to get the odour of land. The greenery was vivid, that one would ponder how the trees and plants in the rain can be a three dimensional picture on a natural canvas for the eyes. The music now is a soothing miracle for the ears. Rain is pouring. The wind now is gracing my face with minute droplets of water. I still am seated watching the portrait in front of me. I must admit, Rain, is truly a veil of secret promises. So enchanted yet hollow.

Thursday 7 April 2011

 Tick tock tick…

Missing the most precious times in life is something which I find very stony and heartsick. No one will be able to resist the loss time had inflicted in their journey of life. Forever is never in anyone’s hand. And chances to recover the loss can never be looked back. Its just like the waves from the sea washing your footsteps along the shores. No matter how many times you create a foot impression, its wiped away by the white foamy waves. A miracle like the waves being stopped for a day or something can never be even delusive. Killing each second is not the priority. How to enjoy each second is the way it has to be defined. Only then the impetus of Life can be known. So be conscious of each and every act that you perform or undergo. Keep them all for good in your mind. Enjoy the spirit of life….

Friday 18 March 2011

Confessions of an Obsessive mind….
Do thoughts really over power mind?? Even emotions? I had thought mind could be a mastered vivacity of a human life. Just as the buoy swings in the sea, no matter the violent storm tries to overpower it, the audacity of the human mind too remains firm. Firm but modulating it is as the fall of night to the lovely dawn, that the illusions of the life create an ecstasy and entity to the mind. Just like the vast realm of the ocean, we spot as endless over the horizon; mind does prove itself of having no vicinity. Vast but could be narrow over certain thoughts. A playground for thoughts and emotions, it’s a maestro in the art of mixing the paints of both and forming a masterpiece to add colors to our life. Too endless as the air that surrounds us, we find the endless expanse of our mind plays. Too transparent as the clear water, we find the purpose of what the mind has to say to our hearts to follow. Too jazzy as music, we find the tune and rhythm it plays according to the different situations. Just as when mind seem to float like a balloon in the air, aimlessly and higher, we start building castle in the air. Even now as I am writing this scoop, I am not sure that I have covered every corners of “Mind”. But whatever I could comment can be portrayed as one such kick of your “Mind”….

Thursday 10 March 2011

Essence of Love..
There are times when I feel how strange our thoughts can be. I feel like there are a lot of riddles in my mind that have unsolved answers. Simply lovely and confusing. Maybe the answer for these riddles will just fade with passage of time. But there will always be some, which still haunts the mind and heart. However hard I try to find an answer for it, the more mysterious it still remains. Emotions are the most persistent in this ‘strange-but-true’ mysterious game of mind riddles. Amongst these emotions, I find love the foremost and most untraceable, Lilliputian but herculean to grasp and get to the roots to trace the real meaning. I have heard the line “love is in the air”. I feel the line truly symbolizes my thoughts.  It just is as transparent as the air. Clear but hollow.  As long as you can’t find a true reason, it remains transparent. Like the scent of fragrance in the air, you can feel the essence of love just gushing in your mind. What if the fragrance turns to be a stinking one? Here one will feel the thorn prick in heart, but love still remains unclear as air. For all other emotions, I have felt a reason to develop those. Be it anger, happiness, sorrow etc. But as one passes through the ages of their life, all these emotions can be memories since you had felt the experience of these. But Love; unless and until you never experience the rhythm and music, it will only be a loss for you. No one can be sure in love, but one can be sure in his own feeling of it. If it succeeds you have passed the psychometric test for the surety of the feeling. But still, the feel of love persists as invisible but you can only feel the essence of love…..

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Whispers of Life..
Do you believe the concept that “All are born for a purpose”? If yes, I’d be regretful to say that I don’t want to go against your view. But I believe in the motto “No One is born for a purpose, instead, a Purpose is born for them.” Whenever you find that you are foreseeing that purpose, aim for it and follow the journey to the final destination of the purpose. Life is made colorful the way it has to be as decided by the fate of oneself. Its made black and white at places where you are bound to face miseries. But these miseries and purpose are compatriots in the land of Life. I don’t believe alterations can be made unless and until our destiny decides so, to push that way itself as one hopes to move in life. We have to just flow with the tide of life. At the end you will find a purpose that’s born for you. And its gotta be you and you only to decide to accept or decline your call for the purpose. A few rare persons are blessed with the attainment of happiness in their entire life. But whats the meaning of life without miseries. Just like a river finds its way to the sea, it has to flow through all sorts of hurdles. Similarly life too has hurdles for the purpose. But make sure you live life as clear as the river water. And follow the whispers of your heart that guides you in your journey to happiness…

Friday 25 February 2011


So far, I had always thought what is most special about Moments. I had always felt it as something really obnoxious and lifeless. But everyone’s got to believe me, as time flew, I feel the power and pulse it creates in Life. Starting from the furious mindset to a calm one. One obviously believes, Life is full of Sorrows. For me, I’d like to state each tick of the clock counts for an inexplicable moment. Mind creates these moments and we are bound to absorb the strongest sense as the happiest or the sour moments and the rest are washed away as a hallucination. Each day Mom’s recipe for us and we have it, be it best or average, will definitely be a page that will never get wiped off in life. Dad’s scolding and the strong love he has for us (I’d say more than Mom’s love), which he never likes to display in Public. All time fighting with siblings. The day you start giving presents to your family. The love your pet shares for you. The ambiguity you feel at home. I feel these are all merely hallucinations for all which they never sense in Life. But in absence of any of these they become Memories rather than Moments. Happy times are always treated as Moments. But really, passage of time constitutes Moments. We have to cherish each act that we played in this stage of life, and enjoy the miracle that Moments provide us to create Memories…..

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Near, far, wherever you are..

Never Say ‘No’,
Eventhough its ‘Yes’.
It seems like my heart is broken,
I read it in your eyes,
But your lips were silent.
Your heart was paining,
But you did’nt cry.
As I said bye,
Tears fell down like a drop of water on Satin.
The way you walked away,
You did’nt look back.
At the count of three in my heart,
You looked back.
As I smiled,you cried a lot.
My heart was crying,
But you could’nt see it.
I loved you more than anyone else loved you,
I loved you but I could’nt say,
As the World was behind you,
I forgot you, but I kept you in my Heart,
My soul is with you.
If you would have asked me for my Heart,
Sweetheart, I’d give you my Life.
What I want is to make you happy,
But our parting made you cry,
And for this I blame the whole world.
Near, far, wherever you are,
I know you will be loving me,
And you are safe in my Heart.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Endless Hopes....

I had dreamed of touching the dazzling stars,
But it’s forever a journey towards eternity.
I had looked into the eyes of moonless nights,
Wishing if I could see the gleam of moonlight.
I could hear the rumble of the drifting waves,
Hoping it could be a music to sooth my heart forever.
I did see the last leaf fall from a lonely birch,
Knowing there is no way to make a world that's gone.
I could feel the chill of the silent breeze,
Praying if it could wash away my endless solitude.
I could see the final shades of the ending twilight,
Fading off to see a tomorrow that may never rise..
I could see a rose shriveled up, petals tight n' cold,
Sleeping for a lovely dawn to wake up n blossom.
Beneath the star studded sky, I move along a lonely road,
Wishing if I could end up the Valley of Endless Hopes..