Thursday 10 March 2011

Essence of Love..
There are times when I feel how strange our thoughts can be. I feel like there are a lot of riddles in my mind that have unsolved answers. Simply lovely and confusing. Maybe the answer for these riddles will just fade with passage of time. But there will always be some, which still haunts the mind and heart. However hard I try to find an answer for it, the more mysterious it still remains. Emotions are the most persistent in this ‘strange-but-true’ mysterious game of mind riddles. Amongst these emotions, I find love the foremost and most untraceable, Lilliputian but herculean to grasp and get to the roots to trace the real meaning. I have heard the line “love is in the air”. I feel the line truly symbolizes my thoughts.  It just is as transparent as the air. Clear but hollow.  As long as you can’t find a true reason, it remains transparent. Like the scent of fragrance in the air, you can feel the essence of love just gushing in your mind. What if the fragrance turns to be a stinking one? Here one will feel the thorn prick in heart, but love still remains unclear as air. For all other emotions, I have felt a reason to develop those. Be it anger, happiness, sorrow etc. But as one passes through the ages of their life, all these emotions can be memories since you had felt the experience of these. But Love; unless and until you never experience the rhythm and music, it will only be a loss for you. No one can be sure in love, but one can be sure in his own feeling of it. If it succeeds you have passed the psychometric test for the surety of the feeling. But still, the feel of love persists as invisible but you can only feel the essence of love…..

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